2 Things You MUST Have For Entrepreneurial Success

There are many different skill sets and backgrounds that are beneficial and useful for increasing your chance of success as an entrepreneur. However, over nearly the last decade that I've personally spent building businesses and helping others do the same, there are 2 must-haves that stand out time and time again - consistency and self-discipline.
As a business owner, there are business tasks and activities that need done daily that are not glamorous, but can become rather redundant and easy to begin neglecting. There is often no immediate result or instant gratification that comes quickly from completing many of these essential daily tasks. But, if you stop doing them regularly, you will no doubt begin seeing and feeling the effects.
When someone becomes an entrepreneur for the first time, one of the largest struggles that I see, is that they often have a really hard time keeping themselves accountable to doing the redundant necessary tasks. Many people become used to having a boss breathing down their neck, creating some type of consequence if they do not get their work done or up to par. There is the threat of losing your job, or getting demoted, or even feeling embarrassed to have to explain why you didn't do what you were asked to do. As a business owner, YOU are now your boss. It's much easier to slack or to hit that snooze button in the morning when you don't have to answer to someone else besides yourself.
Consistency and self-discipline I feel go hand in hand together. You must have the self-disciplineto motivate yourself to consistently do the things that are necessary, even when you DON'T feel like doing them. It's in our human nature to easily put off the tasks that don't provide us some type of quick reward or threaten us with an instant consequence. And, the things that we put off the most, are no doubt what we should be doing FIRST, as the result over time would likely have the potential to provide us with the greatest, most fulfilling, long-term success.
If consistency and self-discipline are areas of weakness for you, don't fret. You can absolutely work to improve upon them, but it will take some work and commitment. Sometimes, working with a business coach may be what's needed to become very clear on vision, goals, and to recognize what your motive and why is for wanting to achieve MORE to be the best version of YOU!
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