It's Time To Dump The Frump

Let's be honest, how many pieces of clothing and shoes do you have in your closet that you never wear? Or, when you try them on, you immediately take them off because you don't FEEL your best in them? Or even worse yet, you continue to wear certain items even though you KNOW you don't feel good about yourself when you have them on?
I am often personally guilty of this myself (slowly raising hand). Recently, I made a commitment to regularly do what I call, "Dump the Frump". To do this, simply go through your closet and give away/sell anything that you haven't worn in a long time. My rule of thumb is usually 2 to 3 years. The term "frump" is 100% subjective, and includes ANYTHING that doesn't make you FEEL like a million bucks.
Have you ever heard the phrase "When you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you DO good"? I am a firm believer in this. It's all about self-confidence and how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror, not what other people think. What YOU think about YOU is all that matters. When your confidence is high, you will carry yourself in a way that will make you feel unstoppable. You will want to go more places, do more things. See more people. Just DO and BE MORE. You'll feel inspired and motivated to be the very best version of yourself.
And trust me, I am not saying you must load your closet with only cocktail dresses and heels for everyday wear to feel amazing about yourself. Unless of course, that is what you WANT to do (hey, no judgment here). You can feel just as amazing about yourself in casual wear, sweats, and yoga pants. It's all about how you FEEL in what you're wearing, not what it is.
I use these same guidelines when buying something new. If I'm not completely sure about it, I don't buy it. If it wouldn't likely be a go-to item or regular favorite of mine, it doesn't come home with me. As, it will likely just sit in my closet for another 5 years collecting dust.
So, my friend. Out with the old, and in with the new. Purging the "frump" will also make you feel exhilarated and refreshed. Getting rid of things that you can no longer optimally benefit from will not only potentially be given to someone who could use it, but will also help declutter your space. A clear space, is a clear mind. And, maybe it will even give you that extra pep in your step that makes all the difference for you!
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