My Passion For Entrepreneurship

As far back as I can remember from my childhood, I was always interested in running my own business and becoming an entrepreneur. My sister and I even used to pretend to have various different shops and businesses where we would sell homemade crafts to family members, and thought of every last detail down to making our own packaging and marketing strategy.
I also used to spend hours playing the computer game Rollercoaster Tycoon where I would strive to build an amusement park up and make it profitable. I also recall observing the business that my grandfather ran when I was a child, and admiring the family effort and ability to create something from nothing and turn it into a source of income and security for yourself. Business was always a challenge to me. And I LOVED it.
This passion for entrepreneurship continued into adulthood for me, and I feel like the burning desire to run my own companies only got stronger. Every time I started a new job during and after college, I quickly lost interest and just felt stuck and forced to maintain a schedule and perform tasks for someone else that often felt inefficient and counterproductive. I had a creative mind. I wanted to do my own thing. Set my own hours and schedule. Work from home. Control my own financial destiny. I had no desire to work for someone else and feel limited in my future and potential. And, once I had my son, my passion for entrepreneurship again only continued to grow stronger as it provided that flexible schedule and ability to be home for him when he needs me the most.
The risk of becoming an entrepreneur and setting out on my own felt far more appealing than continuing to feel stuck in a position that I had no control over for the rest of my life. Sure – many mistakes are often made, long hours are put in, there are drastic highs and lows, and a high chance of failure. But, the rewards of succeeding are so much greater and it is all entirely worth it to me. I am an extremely hard worker and have never been one to shy from putting in long hours, if I know I am in control of my own destiny. Lori Greiner once said, “Entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week”. And I could not agree more!
Work With Me:
Get the direct support you need WHEN you need it to reach your business goals, get more clients, and hit your income goals WHILE raising kids.