The #1 Thing A Mom Entrepreneur Can Do Is Work On Her Mind

Becoming an Entrepreneur is something that’s always been in my blood. I remember as a child anxiously observing my grandfather working on his business, feeling eager for the chance to create something of my own someday.
My sister and I used to pretend to be business owners our entire childhood, creating small make-believe shops that included everything down to the marketing materials that we handed to family members asking to buy our crafts. Ironically, a few years after I graduated business school, my sister and I started our first 2 companies together where we really did offer branding designs and marketing services to our clients.
We did not know it at the time, but looking back, there was one solid reason that explains why our initial companies failed to reach their full potential: we both had very poor mindsets. We were making business decisions from a place of lack out of fear and scarcity, instead of from a place of abundance and wealth.
This blog post hits very close to home to me, and I am a true believer that working on mindset is the #1 thing that ALL Entrepreneurs can do to increase their chances of success. I barely recognize the person I was when I look back to the time BEFORE I began working on my mind.
In 2014, about 10 months after giving birth to my first child and battling some postpartum depression, I was working long hours on my business with no life balance, completely stressed to the max. I felt burned out with my anxiety at an all-time high. After feeling unusually ill one day, I decided to go to the ER to be checked out just to make sure everything was alright. To my surprise, I was given a very frightening diagnosis of bilateral pulmonary embolism - blood clots in both of my lungs.
This diagnosis began a period in my life where I felt paralyzed and crippled with fear, riddled by debilitating panic attacks that made me feel prisoner in my own home, terrified to even leave the house. “What IF it happens again, and I miss the warning signs this time around?” This type of anxiety created unbelievable panic that mimicked the shortness of breath that I was supposed to be cognizant of in order to recognize the symptoms of future problems that would require prompt emergency attention. It turned into a vicious cycle of many false ER visits and ambulance rides that soon made me feel like a basket case who had lost complete control over my life.
I am so thankful that I found an amazing therapist who helped me get through this dark period in my life, and began my fascination of the mind. Once I started working through and releasing repressed trauma from so long ago, I was amazed at just how much dealing with emotions and experiences from the past can have such a dramatic impact on your quality of life NOW. It became very evident to me that there’s a significant connection between mind and body that I could no longer ignore.
Coincidentally, around this same time, I dove head first into a journey of personal development and self-improvement studying trainings that connected business with mindset, neuroplasticity, and changing the way you think. All of which came at a very crucial, timely period and without a doubt magnified the results I was experiencing within my personal journey to becoming the woman who I just KNEW I could become. It saved me. And for that, I will forever be thankful. Through this experience of discovering WHO I really am and improving the way I think, I also found my passion and true calling as a Business & Mindset Coach working with other mom entrepreneurs through the very chaotic but ultra rewarding time of life balancing motherhood while building a business.
There are 3 points along this journey that stand out to me the most:
1. The power of truly believing in yourself can move mountains. It goes WAY deeper than just thinking or saying positive words. You must TRULY BELIEVE in yourself and take action on the right, important priorities to see the change and results.
2. Having some limited beliefs and a poverty mindset can be responsible for creating the invisible force of resistance that could be the culprit when you just cannot do what you know you need to do sometimes. It’s important to dive deeper and find the reason for the thoughts.
3. Being your authentic self and not caring about what anyone thinks is the way to build a following who loves you for YOU. It has been liberating to put myself out there more and not care. I feel like I had been hiding prior, fearful, self-conscious, perfectionistic, and lacking confidence by just not accepting who I really am. It’s been beyond freeing to love myself for ME and flourish within my gifts to help other women in ways that can positively change their lives as well.
I look back at the woman I once was just 5 short years ago and see a terrified, new mom lacking confidence and self-esteem, who was an extreme perfectionist crippled with fear while trying to build a business. Who was afraid to show her real self, to be who she was created to be out of fear of what others would think or say. It almost feels like a different life, and shows me just how much things can change when you make working on your mind a priority.
I know there’s still room for improvement on my mindset and I’ve barely scratched the surface at making the type of impact that I want to make in the world. But, I KNOW I will get there in due time because of one simple change this time around and in how I think NOW - I truly BELIEVE in myself and my abilities and know that I have what it takes to make my biggest dreams a reality. And, I will not stop until I get there and show my children the beauty of what’s possible in life if they truly believe in themselves and take real action on their dreams, too.
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Get the direct support you need WHEN you need it to reach your business goals, get more clients, and hit your income goals WHILE raising kids.